Dad touched a lot of lives over the years. Some of you were students in classes he taught. Others were co-workers in industry or ministry. Some of you shared conversations over coffee (or ice cream) in the living room or on the porch. His friends and family are spread across the country and even the globe. I think this site would please him because he loved to bring people together to talk and laugh and remember. So please feel free to share your memories with us as we will with you.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Friends Marry

Dad marries a long time friend
of the family, Ruth Ault,
June 30, 2001.


Annamaker said...

Don and Ruth made a good couple. So glad they were able to share a few years together... on the front porch lookiing out over the land. Visiting friends or new places. Don was a sweet, smart, funny and thoughtful man whom I enjoyed knowing. Sister-in-law Anna Andrews of Sacramento.

Annamaker said...

I have fond memories of Don Carr in Vermont, Memphis and Laguna Niguel. He was a sweet, smart, funny and thoughtful man with an easy smile and a conscientious mind
Sister-in-law Anna Andrews, Sacramento