Dad touched a lot of lives over the years. Some of you were students in classes he taught. Others were co-workers in industry or ministry. Some of you shared conversations over coffee (or ice cream) in the living room or on the porch. His friends and family are spread across the country and even the globe. I think this site would please him because he loved to bring people together to talk and laugh and remember. So please feel free to share your memories with us as we will with you.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Nanuet Church

The Carrs may have been late to
Sunday School but we always made
up for it by being the last ones out of
the sanctuary. From Sunday School to
mid-week Bible Study and Youth Group
to choir practice, it felt like we lived here.

The Lodge

Inspired by Francis and Edith Schaeffer's
L'Abri in Switzerland and a need among
young people of the 1960's & 70's
the Vermont Lodge was born.

Middletown Springs Community Church

Don and Peg joined this Vermont
church family
in 1982.

Prison Fellowship

. . . another family,

another ministry . . .

No such thing as retirement!

Friends Marry

Dad marries a long time friend
of the family, Ruth Ault,
June 30, 2001.